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Membership Unfold Digital PLUS - New Member Promo

During your free trial, you'll have full access to Unfold Digital PLUS. After your trial, you'll be billed the discounted rate of $10 / month (normally $30/month). Cancel anytime.


3 Live Classes / Week

Live "De-Stress At Your Desk" classes held on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, at 1:30pm CT / 2:30pm ET. Enjoy unlimited access to class recordings.

200+ Videos On-Demand

Browse our content library of over 200 videos, and growing. Quickly filter to find exactly what you're looking for to feel better + work better.

10-Minute Tune-Ups

Members receive a new 10-Minute Tune-Up class every week to quickly refresh your body and mind, and unlimited access to the 10-Minute Tune-Up library.

Workshops + Guest Speakers

From stress management and productivity to ergonomics and physical therapy tips - special events are sure to inspire.

Mindfulness + Meditation Challenges

Get the support you need to create new healthy habits and sustainable change.

Total (including taxes)
Free for 14 days
USD $10.00/month after trial
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